
Our Top Tips for Travelling Together on Sabbatical

Our Top Tips for Travelling Together on Sabbatical

We get it – sabbaticals can be a daunting prospect. But while there’s always the potential for anxiety when leaving your everyday life and routine, we’re strong proponents of feeling the fear and doing it anyway. Some might prefer to go solo or have friends join their adventure, and the brave might even go with their family. Be it three months or a year, family sabbaticals can be one of the most rewarding experiences for parents and children alike. Still wondering, why go on a family sabbatical? Read on to be convinced…


1. Spend quality time together
2. Broaden horizons
3. Inspire youngsters
4. Change perspectives


Spend quality time together

We get it. Taking your children out of school and travelling the world as a family might sound terrifying. But sometimes, time spent out of your comfort zone is exactly what you need. Although there might be tantrums and the occasional argument, it’ll all be worth it for those special bonding moments. When little ones are young, time seems to flash before your eyes. A family sabbatical is a chance to slow down and enjoy the changes. In what other scenario can you spend every waking moment with your loved ones for weeks or even months on end? From invaluable time spent together to unforgettable encounters with fascinating people around the world, there’s so much to be seen and learnt. School (and work) will soon be a distant memory…

Image by Nevena Lukic


Broaden horizons

No, children will not learn how to pass their GCSEs while on safari in Kenya. But they will learn many other things (important life lessons, for instance). Not only will wee ones get to see their favourite animals in real life, but they might even return home as little conservation enthusiasts. Chances are, they’ll want to do everything they can to keep their beloved animals thriving and surviving. Beyond wildlife, another essential part of travelling is meeting new people. There’s no better way for both parents and children to gain an appreciation for different cultures and traditions, be it by taking part in a community-led crafts workshop or a regional cookery class. Whatever experiences you have, consider your children’s horizons broadened. Check out our blog on the best holidays to get them interested in the world for more.

Time for a reality check, though. Schooling in the traditional sense needn’t completely cease. We can arrange for fully qualified and flexible tutors to travel with you, recommend great online courses, or even arrange ad-hoc lessons with teachers from international schools. To help with young ones (and diffuse arguments), we also have a healthy address book of nannies.


Inspire youngsters

Going on a family sabbatical is, without a doubt, the best way to spark your child’s curiosity. The very small ones (we’re talking under-fives) might not remember every detail but are certain to form some of their key childhood memories while on a family sabbatical. Seeing firsthand the diverse corners of our wonderful world will not only broaden children’s horizons but might also inspire them to approach life with a little more compassion. The diverse encounters had on a family sabbatical will instil in your children the courage and confidence to tackle life head-on.

For families with older children who’ve already flown the nest, a family sabbatical is a great way to bring everyone back together. They might not be able to join for the entire trip, but what better way to spend their university Easter holidays than travelling around India with mum and dad? We can think of worse destinations for dissertation inspiration. And if you're away for a birthday or Christmas, who knows, we might even be able to surprise you with a familiar visitor or two…

Image by Anastasiya Gepp/pexels


Change perspectives

When you return from a family sabbatical, you’re bound to have a changed perspective on what’s important in your life. Perhaps this will lead to more adventurous family travel plans, the courage to move countries or an exciting career change. While it’ll take some time for children to readjust back into the home routine, they’re guaranteed to have an increased appreciation for life, the opportunities afforded them, and their parents (we promise).

Written by Hannah Whitehall | Header image by Maksgelatin/Pexels