CIBT's visa service, in partnership with Original Travel, is designed to make arranging your travel visas as simple as possible. For the unaccustomed, visas are more than stickers that make your passport look pretty - they're the official authorisation for entrance into and travel within a country or region. Obtaining the right visas can be a confusing, complicated and often stressful process and in many countries, without a visa you'll simply be turned away at the border or at check-in for your flight.
From our experience, with visas you're best off speaking to someone who knows the subject inside and out, which is why we've teamed up with CIBT. They are a much respected visa service with the expertise to provide current and accurate information and arrange the correct visas for your trip, quickly and at a good price. In fact in some cases you can expect to save as much as 30% using our CIBT partnership. To start the process, follow this link.
Every visa comes with a 'how to guide' on filling the forms, and the CIBT team are on hand to answer all your enquiries on the phone and via email. Please ring them on 0207 593 6223 or email