
Three books to read before leaving for Peru

Three books to read before leaving for Peru

The sprawling city of Lima, the depths of the Amazonian forests, the Andean peaks, the pre-Columbian ruins; There are so many facets to this country ! Here are the five best books to read before travelling to Peru.



The Temple of the Sun


Tintin's journey to  Peru begins in the previous book : 'The Seven Crystal Balls' where we move from the world of ancient Egypt to that of the Andean Incas. In both the first and second book, there is a dream-like vision of Peru:  Herge never set foot in Peru, but on your journey you follow in the footsteps of the young reporter. At the beginning of the 'Temple of the Sun ', Tintin and  Captain Haddock set out in search of Professor Calculus who is to be sacrificed by Incas, and find themselves in the port of  Callao. They pass through Jauga (real name: Jauja) in the Andes, where the  Quechuan Indian Zorrino tells them that Calculus must be killed in a secret place, the Temple of the Sun. Maybe it's the ' Coricancha ', the ' golden temple ' of Cusco, the most sacred place of the Incan Empire, looted at the arrival of the Spaniards, and where a church stands today? Herge's references, which masterfully mix the Andes with the desert, or the Andes and the equatorial forest, leave it to the imagination.

Machu Pichu

Thibaud Perdrix


Who killed Palomino Molero? 

by Mario Vargas Llosa

We're at the end of the world. The Talara Air Base. Palomino Valero, a handsome guitar player, carried out his military service there. For some unknown reason, he deserted three days earlier. His lifeless body was found impaled on an old locust bean tree. "The scene is set. Lieutenant Silva and Sergeant Lithuania conduct the investigation, without the assistance of the base leader. Margo Vargas Llosa's lively language is a delight to read, making it impossible to put the book down.



Journal of an Apprentice Shaman

by Corine Sombrun

It's the logbook of a real-life story. Corine works as a musician in London. After the loss of a loved one, she travels to the Amazon and learns about Ayahuaska and Andean shamanism. She tells us about her impressions, her experiences, her incredible transformation, without taboos or filters. With a sober, minimalist, and simple writing style, Corine invites us in and makes you feel as if you are with her in the forest. We fear for her, we laugh, we are amazed, irritated, our stomach turns, our minds open.

