Family Travel

Travelling with Two Under Two

Travelling with Two Under Two

Whether travelling by boat, car or plane, the key to travelling with children is organisation and planning.


Here goes...

For me, one of the most important things is having a good buggy and a comfortable baby carrier.

For older toddlers, a buggy-board can be useful, but I always found it awkward to walk behind. I also swore by Little Life's backpacks that have a genius rein, something that can really help when you're travelling and juggling two on your own.

If you're flying to a holiday destination, I would say to plan ahead, and if the airline offers the service, order a kids meal well in advance, and enquire about bassinets or booster seats.

I always seem to forget about travel at the other end, but if you think ahead, often taxi services and care hires let you borrow children's car seats. I usually travel with a regulation sized wheelie bag or a rucksack, which I pack with spare clothes for everyone, (a spare t-shirt often comes in handy when you've just been sicked up on!), a couple of toys, baby paraphernalia, Calpol and some snacks.

Having a stress-free airport experience is never easy these days, and I find going through security particularly stressful. I used to steer clear of pre-filling baby bottles - there's nothing worse than having to open a sterilised bottle to take a swig! Pack anything that needs to be in a clear bag next to any electronics equipment on the very top so you can locate them and pull them out with ease. I even think about what shoes I'm wearing, because they inevitably want you to take them off and I go for jewellery that I know won't set the beeper off.


Throw out the rule book...

I'm usually pretty strict with the children, but when it comes to travel I keep a very loose routine. I used to let my toddler loose with my iPad and let him snack more than usual with the odd chocolate treat thrown in - happy children on an airplane makes for a happy flight.

For the baby - I used to pack my daughter's bed sheet, whether it is for a night flight or for the destination so that she felt at home, and when flying overnight I always pack pyjamas for the children. Babies tend to sleep a lot, especially on an airplane, but as you know, they love having your undivided attention, so make sure there's lots of peak-a-boo and baby books. My toddler used to be a lifesaver keeping my daughter amused for hours just making funny faces!

Try not to strap them in too early, they know the minute they're restrained, and often start bawling. If they do cry, it's for a reason, and if not frustration, it's probably either hunger, tiredness, sore ears, or in need of a change of nappy. If all else fails I find a stroll down the aisle can often help. I always have a bottle at the ready, the minute I step onto a plane I put it into the seat pocket in front of me, and always feed my children during take off and landing when their ears can cause most pain. I have friends who wouldn't even consider travelling with two under two, but we've had some wonderful journeys during that time and memories that I'll never forget.