For many, family beach holidays are the holiday holy grail. There's nothing most young children love more than splashing around in the shallows, masterminding entire sand kingdoms (castles are so 2013) and perhaps even a spot of French cricket. Now we all know good old Britain is not exactly reliable when it comes to beachworthy weather, and spending rainy week after rainy week stuck inside the house with over-excited children does not sound all that appealing to us, and so that's where our collection of family beach holidays in the sun comes in. We know all the best places, whatever time of year you're travelling, whether that be the Mediterranean in summer, the Caribbean over Christmas or the Maldives for Easter (or all three) - we've got you covered.

Family Beach Holiday Ideas

A few suggestions to get the holiday planning process started

Family Beach Holidays by country

Family Beach Holidays Guide

Practical advice and inspiration to help you prepare for your holiday

While we may live on an island lined with beaches, these can often involve cold, windy days spent wrapping your children in coats to stop from shivering after a swim in the sea (while refusing to admit that we're not having fun, because we're British). So why not trade that all in for a white-sand beach and warm turquoise waters that you'll have to drag your children out of at the end of the day, and (almost) guaranteed sun, where the only weather-related worry you'll have is if you've covered them in enough water-resistant sun cream. Mention that you're booking a family beach holiday abroad to your little ones and favourite parent status will be guaranteed.

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