What our clients say about us

All ratings shown below are from people who have travelled with us. Good or bad, reviews are published on the site, provided they respect our editorial charter.

Melody - London

Published on 03/11/2023

Arran responded very swiftly to my original enquiry and the holiday she arranged for us was exactly what we had asked for, down to the smallest detail. The holiday was tailor-made to suit our plans, we were able to enjoy the whole trip without having to worry about anything. With the help of Arran, the hotels we stayed in were perfect for us. We loved having the app, and Olga the Concierge contacted us to check that everything was ok. We appreciated having her there, but as everything ran so smoothly we didn’t need to contact her for help. After a couple of years of Covid, when we hadn’t travelled abroad very often because of restrictions, we enjoyed having a tailor-made trip. The added problems of this summer with fires, air traffic control, cancelled flights etc. meant that the extra support offered by Original Travel was appreciated.

Romayne - Nottingham

Published on 30/08/2019

Thank you for your kind card and for your help in organising a brilliant week's holiday in Cyprus. Everything went like clockwork - praise you! We had a wonderful time and the weather was fantastic. We were very impressed with the hotel and thought the staff were incredibly kind and helpful and friendly. It was a great bonus that our half term happened to be out of sync with everyone else as it was relatively uncrowded and we had no problems booking restaurants and children's club. I wouldn't hesitate to go back there especially if we could avoid the peak times. Many thanks again - we are missing the sun already!