'After a first faraway glimpse, the two famous steeples grew taller and taller as the miles that separated us fell away. At last they commanded the cloudy plain as the spires of a cathedral should, vanishing when the outskirts of the city interposed themselves, and then, as I gazed at the crowding saints of the three Gothic doorways, sailing up into the evening again at close range.' So wrote the travel writer Patrick Leigh Fermor in his famous book A Time of Gifts, about his walk from the Hook of Holland to Istanbul in the 1930s. Here he describes approaching the cathedral city of Cologne on foot and in doing so encapsulates all the beauty of walking - the slowly changing perspective, the anticipation of arrival, the heightened sense of what's going on around you. Walking holidays are the way to really see a place.

Walking Holiday Ideas

A few suggestions to get the holiday planning process started

Walking Holidays by country

Walking Holidays Guide

Practical advice and inspiration to help you prepare for your holiday

Fortunately, you've wandered into the right place because Original Travel arranges walking trips in some of the most beautiful places on the planet for trekking. From the generally acknowledged world's finest walking safaris of Zambia's South Luangwa region to treks in the Indian region of Ladakh, a beautiful glimpse of how greater Tibet once was.

Closer to home, Europe is a winner for walking, and our Walking Holidays in Europe collection lists the best of a very good bunch.

On a smaller scale, we recommend walking routes for many our city destinations so you make the most of your time or steer strictly away from the tourist traps.

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