Argentina Holidays

Time Difference

Argentina is four hours behind GMT


The national currency is the Argentine peso. Many vendors will accept Euros or US dollars but the exchange rate won’t be great so it’s best to pay in local pesos. Pesos are generally not available in the UK for you to buy beforehand so we would recommend withdrawing some cash upon arrival at the airport in Argentina.

Cards are widely accepted by merchants. If you have cash you wish to exchange in-country, it’s best to also do this at the airport; you won’t get as good an exchange rate but many banks limit their cash stock so the airport is more reliable.

Banks and exchange offices are open Monday to Friday between 10:00 and 15:00. Commercial offices are generally open from 09:00 to 12:00 and 14:00 to 19:00. Note: Entry fees to the national parks are in pesos and you won’t be able to pay by other means.

Electricity and Plugs

220 volts. You’ll find a variety of plugs are used in Argentina so it’s best to take a universal adapter.

Local Amenities

Most shops in large cities are open from 09:00 to 20:00. Outside the cities, shops are often closed at lunchtime. At the restaurant, breakfast is usually served from 12:30 and dinner from 20:30.


TV is cable and satellite and there are five national channels.

In terms of newspapers, Clarin is a centrist outlet and ( is the most read title in Argentina; Pagina 12 ( is an independent daily newspaper; La Nacion ( is the leading conservative newspaper in Argentina and has the best international news section of all the main operators; the Buenos Aires Herald ( is the only Argentine newspaper in English.


Post offices are generally open from 08:00 to 20:00, Monday to Friday and until 14:00 on Saturday. International post is very expensive.


To phone Argentina from the UK, add 00 54 to the front of the number you’re dialling (removing the first zero from the number you’re dialling). To call the UK from Argentina, use 00 44 before dialling the number (again, without the first zero).

Internet and Mobile Coverage

WiFi is free across a lot of places in Argentina and mobile coverage is also good. Check with your operator for specific information on mobile access.



Argentina Holiday Ideas

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