Travel Advice & Information Greece

Time Difference

Greece is two hours ahead of GMT.


Banks are generally open from 08:00 or 08:30 to 13:30 or 14:00 (Note: National Bank of Greece, in Athens, is open all day). They close on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays, almost everywhere. Travellers to Greece should note that credit card payments are much less common and you should always have cash to hand, especially if you are driving because many of the roads have small tolls.


220 volts; European plug so make sure you take an adapter for any UK appliances.

Local Amenities

Museums are usually open from 08:30 to 15:00 (usual closing day: Monday). Large sites often close at sunset, but this can vary due to the somewhat chaotic approach to administrative decision-making. It’s advisable to check exact timings the day before you visit. Shops are open from 09:00 to 14:00 (or 15:00), and from 17:00 to 19:00 every other day. They are closed on Sundays.

Easter is a time when a lot of major sites and museums (Delphi, Olympia, Mystras, Epidaurus, Mycenae to name a few) only open at specific times, aligning with the Acropolis; Good Friday: closed until 12:00; Holy Saturday: open from 08:00 to 15:00; Easter Sunday: closed; Easter Monday: open from 08:00 to 15:00.


The Greek media has long been characterised by its political affiliations, with most media outlets aligning themselves strongly to a given political stance. The Kathimerini is an English edition of a Greek newspaper of the same name which is included in the daily International Herald Tribune, and can be found online as the Ekathimerini. There are also a number of other online news outlets available in English, including and the Greek Reporter.


Post offices are open from 07:30 to 14:00. In large cities, the central offices can remain open until 19:00. When post offices are closed, you can buy stamps at newsstands or in some shops, but they are generally more expensive than buying them from the post office.


To phone Greece from the UK, add 00 30 to the front of the number you’re dialling (removing the first zero from the number you’re dialling). To call the UK from Greece, use 00 44 before dialling the number (again, without the first zero).


There are internet cafes everywhere.

Mobile Coverage

There is good coverage in mainland Greece, as well as on most of the islands. We, however, recommend checking with your operator about the conditions for access to local networks.



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