Time Difference
Singapore is seven hours ahead of London (GMT).
The Singapore dollar (SDG) is the official currency of the Republic of Singapore. Its currency symbol is S$ and its nickname is the 'Sing'.
The standard voltage is 230V supply voltage and 50Hz. Power plugs and sockets are Type A and B. We recommend bringing adapters and voltage converters for all of your devices.
Shops and Amenities
As a general rule, merchants open from 10am until 10pm, Monday to Sunday. Some supermarkets are open 24 hours. Most stores do not open on the first day of Chinese New Year.
Media The Straits is the main English-language daily broadsheet in Singapore. There are multiple free-to-air English-speaking TV channels such as Channel 5 and CNA.
To send post from Singapore, it will take up to 12 business days. For Singapore Post’s, ‘speedpost priority’, it will take between three and 14 working days. To send post to Singapore, delivery is expected between five and seven working days.
To call the United Kingdom from Singapore, dial: 011 - 44 - area code – and a landline number or 011 - 44 – plus a mobile number. To make a call from the UK to Singapore, dial: +65 – and a landline number.
Internet and Mobile Coverage
There are multiple 4G service providers in Singapore including Singtel, Starhub and M1.