Time Difference

Uganda is two hours ahead of GMT and observes Central African Time (CAT) all year, so the clocks do not change seasonally.


The local currency is the Ugandan Shilling (UGS). US dollars, euros and pound sterling are also accepted across the country. In many places it is better to pay in cash (dollars, Ugandan shillings or euros) rather than by credit card. Banks open from 8am to 12pm Monday to Thursday and until 1pm on Friday. 


The standard voltage is 220 volts and plug type G (same as the UK three pin plug) is used. 


The two biggest newspapers are The Rwenzori Times and Nation, and Capital FM is the most listened to radio station. 


To call Uganda from United Kingdom, dial: 00 - 256 - area code and a landline number, or 00 - 256 and a mobile number. To call United Kingdom from Uganda, dial: 00 - 44 - area code and a landline number, or 00 - 44 – and a mobile number.  

Internet and Mobile Coverage

MTN Uganda, Airtel Uganda and Uganda Telecom are the main mobile providers in Uganda. Internet coverage is often limited.  

Contact one of our Uganda specialists