- The USA has 715 cities which are home to more than 50,000 people
- It is the fourth-largest country in the world by land area and third by population
- Most of the world’s tornadoes occur in the Midwest (in Texas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Kansas and South Dakota), which is known as Tornado Alley
- The Mississippi River and the Missouri River combine to form the biggest river system in the US and the fourth biggest in the world
- The northern state of Montana has three times as many cows than it has people
- 100 acres of pizza are served in the US every day
- Even though the grizzly bear is California’s official state animal, none have been spotted since 1922
- The seven rays on the head of the Statue of Liberty represent the world’s seven continents. The statue was gifted by the French in 1886
- No official language exists in the United States, although English is the most commonly spoken
- Despite its size, the USA only shares land borders with Canada and Mexico. The border shared with Canada is the longest international border in the world