Time Difference
The United Kingdom (GMT) is seven hours ahead of Belize where they currently observe Central Standard Time (CST) all year. The clocks do not change seasonally in Belize.
ATMs are widely available in larger towns in Belize, and they generally accept UK cards, but they can sometimes be temperamental. The local currency is Belize dollars, however, US dollars are also accepted. Banks are open from 8am to 2:30pm Monday to Thursday and until 4:30pm on Friday.
In Belize the supply voltage is 120/220V and the power plugs and sockets are typically the two-pronged flat type so UK travellers will need an adapter. You might also need a voltage converter and should be extra careful with certain appliances because of the difference in frequency.
Shops and Amenities
Generally, merchants open from 8am until 12pm and then again from 1pm until 4.30pm and 7pm until 9pm Monday to Saturday, although some shops close on Wednesday afternoon. It’s important to note though that with Belize’s relaxed culture you could find that many places don’t keep to these hours.
Belize has the Amandala, which offers a mix of national news, sports, and editorial opinion; The Belize Times, the official newspaper of the People's United Party; The Guardian which is the official newspaper of the United Democratic Party and The Reporter, another weekly independent newspaper. As for television channels, Belize enjoys widespread on air, cable and satellite television access.
Post offices are open between 8am and 4pm Monday to Thursday, 8am to 3.30pm on Friday and closed on Saturday and Sundays.
To call United Kingdom from Belize, dial: 00 - 44 followed by the number you’re calling.
Internet and Mobile Coverage
In Belize most areas have good WIFI coverage and 3G/4G signal. Belize also has two mobile operators: Digi by Belize Telemedia Limited/BTL (formerly DigiCell) and Smart! by Speednet with good access throughout.
Belize dollars