Time Difference
The United Kingdom GMT is seven hours ahead of Guatemala. Guatemala currently does not observe daylight saving time and uses Central Standard Time (UTC−06:00) all year-round.
The national currency is the quetzal (GTQ). Debit cards are sometimes rejected by ATMs, making credit cards and travellers’ cheques a more reliable option. It is safer to change money in hotels, at banks or at foreign exchange offices. Large hotels, luxury boutiques and large restaurants in major cities accept payment by credit card (for a commission). Banks open Monday to Friday, from 9am to 3pm (but sometimes until 7pm), and Saturday, from 9am to 12.30pm.
If credit cards are lost or stolen there may be difficulties obtaining a replacement as the UK Royal Mail is refusing to accept deliveries to Guatemala. You should use international courier companies to ensure delivery. Check with courier companies about any restrictions and their policy.
120 volts (some top-of-the-range hotels are also equipped with 220). US sockets (2 flat plugs) are generally used meaning an adapter-transformer will be essential for UK travellers.
Shops and Amenities
Shops and boutiques generally open from 9.30am to 7.30pm (and frequently closed “for lunch”), Monday to Saturday.
Prensa libre is the second-widest circulated newspaper in Guatemala, while Nuestro Diario is the most widely circulated newspaper in Central America. There is one main public channel with the remaining four channels controlled by a private owner.
Stamps are only sold in post offices (usual opening hours: 7.30am to 12.30pm and 1pm to 2.30pm, Monday to Friday; 8am to 11am, Saturday) and it’s often easiest to post your mail in the post offices of the big cities.
To call the United Kingdom from Guatemala, dial: 00 - 44 - Area Code - Land Phone Number 00 - 44 - 10 Digit Mobile Number
Internet and Mobile Coverage
Guatemala has a wide internet connection coverage with good speeds. It also became the first country to have 5G in Central America, with equally good coverage.