Time Difference
Malta is one hour ahead of the UK GMT and observes daylight saving time from the last Sunday in March until the last Sunday in October.
Malta uses the euro. Exchanging can often be completed in banks, at the counter or at automatic machines. You can also go to various exchange offices at tourist sites (open Monday to Saturday). Bank branches are generally equipped with ATMs that accept major international cards. Card payment is possible in most hotels and restaurants and in many shops.
230 or 240 volts and British type sockets: three rectangular section plugs are used. Essential adapters are sometimes provided by hoteliers.
Shops and Amenities
Generally, merchants open from 8am until 5pm Monday to Saturday. A few shops open on Sundays. Grocery stores are generally open Monday to Friday from 8am to 9pm and Sunday from 9am to noon.
Newspapers in English: The Malta Business Weekly (is you guessed it a weekly paper), The Times of Malta or The Malta Independent are daily newspapers. Newspapers in Maltese: It Torca is a weekly paper and In Nazzion or L-Orizzont are daily newspapers. Television wise, the programs in Maltese dominate (with only a quarter of them in English) but overall, the Maltese are heavy consumers of British media.
Post offices are open between 8am and 1pm and between 4pm and 6pm (Monday to Friday + Saturday morning) but schedules may vary a little from place to place or from one season to another. Newsagents sell stamps and the letterboxes are red.
To call the United Kingdom from Malta, dial: 00 - 44 - Area Code - Land Phone Number 00 - 44 - 10 Digit Mobile Number.
Internet and Mobile Coverage
There is good overall Internet coverage in Malta. Malta has three main mobile operators offering prepaid or 'pay as you go' services from providers epic (former Vodafone), GO and Melita.